HOLD YOURSELF : The art of self love

"Can't trust no one else to do what you won't do for yourself." You are responsible for who you become,love yourself,like your speed , leave your scars,live your skills! Self love is essential for a worthy living.It influences your overall undertakings, from mate you pick, to how you cope with the problems of life. Now you gotta know what is self love? Is it something you can obtain through a beauty makeover,or a lavish lifestyle? Can you get more of it by reading something inspirational ?Or can a new relationship make you love yourself more? Simply the answer is NO!These stuffs sound gratifying ,but you cannot grow in self love ,through these.It's easy to be loving towards yourself when things go as you have planned , when you succeed and when people like you.But when stuff falls apart, we experience failures or get rejected, we tend to be hardest on ourselves.In those moments, we may think people will criticize , judge and berate you, but instead of bei...